2007年8月20日 星期一


    上星期四大學同學小婷到雅典, 自己一個人很高興的坐著公車轉捷運到市中心跟小婷會合, 買完紀念品, 大夥人移動去餐廳打牙祭, 順道等老公下班, 沒想到老公一來就跟我說失火了!! 那失火, 就我家附近的Penteli山上正在火災中, 在憲法礦場上的天空都可以看到濃濃的煙, 趕忙指給同學看, 回家路上, 和老公在Halandri捷運站下車時, 都可以聞到一股濃濃的煙味, 一出捷運站, 就可以看到天空彌散著更為明顯的煙!! 這個熊熊大火到我晚上8點多從超市回家的路上, 都可以看到Penteli山上有著紅紅的火焰一直竄出, 真是嚇人阿!!


新聞來自CNN news 網站~~

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- A forest fire that torched thousands of acres of pristine pine forest and dozens of homes in the northern suburbs of Athens is now under control, fire brigade officials said on Friday.


Moses Altsech, a Wisconsin college professor on vacation, photographed smoke clouds with his cell phone.

The fire, fanned by gale-force winds, started early on Thursday and raced down the Penteli mountain, burning homes, cars and forest land, with the fire brigade struggling to stop it.

It took hundreds of firefighters and volunteers, airplanes and helicopters some 12 hours to confine it away from affluent residential areas in the suburbs of Nea Penteli, Melisia and Vrilisia.

"The fire has now been brought under control," a fire brigade official told Reuters. "As there are some small fire fronts we are still patrolling the area."

"More than 100 firefighters, 61 firetrucks and three helicopters are still in the area, ready to deal with any possible rekindling," he said.

Officials could not give details on the extent of the damage caused by the fire. But mayors at the suburbs said dozens of houses were completely destroyed while many others suffered severe damages.

"The destruction is very extensive. The response was very delayed and had there been a faster response the fire could have been contained much, much earlier," Melisia mayor Manolis Grafakos told reporters.

At least ten people were taken to hospital with breathing problems and a firefighter was injured on duty. The fire also triggered a series of power cuts throughout the capital.


Greece has seen some of the worst fires of the past decade this summer, caused by record-high temperatures, drought and arsonists.

In late June, the biggest national park near the city, on Mount Parnitha, burned for three days leaving more than a third of the nature reserve charred. E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend

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Sandra 提到...



版主回覆:(08/21/2007 02:40:12 PM)

我msn上回給你喔 ^O^